
目前显示的是 二月, 2013的博文

after wordpress2blogger,the comments can't display

I hope somebody to point my mistakes in this article.my english is not skillful. many people use wordpress2blogger, but after change format, the old comments can't display. if you view "comments"on dashboard,you will get a error, and the new comments won't display either. I found a solution to solve this problem, but not perfect. if you don't care the old comments, you can have a try. we need a temporary blog.change the format of blogger-export.xml(wordpress2blogger) by import /export.because the blogger-export.xml is different from blogger's export files.after that you will gain a file like blog-02-17-2013.xml,open it by notepad. you can see,the comments is error to display.so,we need delete this code.begin with the <entry>before the first "error" ,end with the last </entry>,all of code within this limits should be deleted. Finally,save as a new xml file.upload to your empty blog.Although the old comments is not exist,the later comments ...

import WordPress xml files to blogger

we can't import wordpress xml files directly,you may meet the bx-odadm3 error.so,you need a tool to change format.try wordpress2blogger.appspot.com ,it can help you.